Sunday, December 4, 2011

Marching Season Final Words

It's all over now. No more competitions left for the 2011 marching season...

It's really disappointing to see it come to an end after what seemed such a long season. But I have to congratulate you guys so much for working your butts off from before PCI all the way through the end of the season. We proved to the staff that this hornline has what it takes to be one of the best. I'm proud out of you guys for working so hard and it really paid off towards the end of the season.

Now lets move into concert season with the attitude that we will be one of the best music programs in all of the state. Especially those of us in Wind Ensemble have a hard year ahead of us.

Make sure that if you are doing All-District that you continue to work on your solos! That is coming up in only a month or so!!

Keep up the good work.