Friday, December 25, 2009

Winter Concert/Moving Forward

Congrats to everyone on a successful winter concert! I hope everyone has been enjoying their Winter Break. Don't forget to keep practicing, as All-District Auditions are right around the corner. I wish all of you a Happy New Year, and see you all back in January.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fuquay Wrap-Up

Congratulations to everybody last night in bringing home our first Grand Champion award! We all made the best out of these past few weeks and put a much cleaner show on the field. Visual will continue to be our focus heading into Sanderson, as well as strengthening some musical phrases. The weather is warming up with some sunshine in the forecast, so let's keep the momentum going into Sanderson and the last portion of the season!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Weekly Update

Congratulations on a pair of solid performances this past Saturday night! The overall music scores were the best in prelims, and the brass upped their score by 3 points during finals. I hope you all can see the correlation with what music we worked on in class and what our best moments were in the show. Beginning tomorrow and continuing through next week, we will continue to pick movements apart and start working on some phrases that need a little love. Get excited for homecoming tomorrow night, and be ready to start working next week in the preparation for Fuquay.


-If you have not already, prep and turn in your dot books
-Review key dots in your personal show

Keep pushing to the releases!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Thanks to everyone for making PCI an awesome competition last night! It was another successful showing and we were able to perform the show in uniforms. We had a solid performance and we brought a good level of focus into the run. As far as this week goes, we as a brassline have a lot of work left to do. We have 4 or 5 rehearsals to get a solid version of Judgment on the field. In order to do this, we will need all sections to have a sectional on the music, as well as individuals reviewing their dots and really getting the drill inside their head. The forecast is sunny with cool temperatures, so let's make the most out of this week and get some good momentum going into Wakefield!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 4 Update

Hey Brassline,

This week has gone by extremely fast. I'm still impressed at how fast we got the ballad on the field, and the closer is definitely starting to fit together. Let's keep up the pace of rehearsal we've had the past few practices and focus on getting a lot of work done before upcoming back to back performances (Home game Friday, PCI Saturday)! Some things to work on for next week:

1. Solidify the music to Judgment. Sectionals and individual practice time will make putting music together go much smoother.

2. Refresh yourself on the earlier parts of the show and keep playing it at the high level we worked it up to.

3. Get excited for PCI! Competition season starts in a little over a week, and we have the chance to make a big impact that night.

P.S. Don't forget to take care of your horns after the weather this week.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

1st Week of School Updates

Thanks to everybody for a great first week of school filled with hard work!

Friday night went well and the hit sounded great. A few reminders for the upcoming week:

-Keep working on the end of the 2nd movement so we can get it on the field Wednesday

-If you did not do so Friday night, wipe down your horns as soon as possible

-Keep pushing to the releases!

Hope everyone is back into the school routine, and be ready for a cooler week!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pep Band Announcement

As a reminder to everyone, pep band is starting up in the next few weeks. Please make sure you pick up the proper lyre for your instrument along with a flip folder.
During the next 2 weeks, it is the section/squad leaders job to hold a sectional or two during lunch or afterschool. These sectionals will be used to teach/refresh the old charts as well as learning the new songs we received this year. Let your section know a week in advance so they can plan accordingly. Enjoy the last bit of summer and keep practicing!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Get to know Fellow Brassline Members

Over the next few weeks the blog will be featuring members of the brassline. Get to know Mary Gessner (junior-mellophone) in this post!

  • Favorite part about marching band? - I love the challenging mellophone parts
  • Favorite Stands Tune? - Brooklyn
  • What are you looking forward to this season? - Surpassing our previous performances both as a band and as a section

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thanks for a Great Camp Brass!

Hey PC Brassline,

Thanks again for all of your hard work this past week at band camp. The sound we achieved by the end of the week is getting closer and closer to our ultimate goal. I will be be posting various bits of information or announcements throughout the year on this blog, so please check back.

Thanks, and see you all tomorrow night!
