Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hey guys -

Great rehearsal today. For the first time the vets and rookies have played together, that was a fantastic sound, and I know that we are headed towards great things. I completely agree with Swofford that this hornline has the most potential, at least that I have seen in my past three years. Just keep in mind everyone that we have all got to be putting in the hours over the summer when we don't want to. Keep in shape; go running, do push ups and sit ups, or just walk at a minimum. Most importantly get into the habit of drinking more water than you think you should each day, you'll need that for band camp. Remember, clear pee = hyrated. I know it's funny but it's a legitimate way to see if you're drinking enough.

As the concert season winds down, start taking home your marching instruments once they've been checked out to you if it applies. Also, don't forget about graduation next Friday, June 8th. We'll be having a rehearsal for that before the ceremony at Panther Creek, so check the band website for more info on that.

Keep up the good work everyone, today was very promising and has got myself and hopefully youall excited for what's to come.
-Matt Hall

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