Sunday, July 24, 2011

WOW Band starts soon...

Jon is doing so many things this summer!! He even went to a 3rd world country to do dental clinics and other various activities to help the people of Guatemala. (he loved europe too.)


It has been a long time since I last posted so here we go.

BAND CAMP?!?!?: starts in basically 4 days (Wednesday). I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am super excited for this year and from the brass arc we had a bunch of months ago, I can tell we have a very good quality brass line. If you guys put in the work that is required to make this show awesome, it will be. SQUAD LEADERS, contact your squad and tell them about certain band camp things such as when its starts (8AM), when you should arrive on Wednesday for registration (7:30AM), and let them know about the things they should bring (notebook and sheet protectors, instrument, a hat, sunscreen, a bag lunch, a gigantic water jug). This should help everyone remember to bring all of that. Hats, sunscreen, water jug and a bag lunch is crucial to having good health during the week and one half of band camp.

OTHER IMPORTANT STUFF?!?!: Squad leaders and section leaders should be coming to the school tomorrow (Monday July 25th) to have a meeting with Mr. Robinson. After that those of you who are doing field lining will have a wonderful time out in the heat of the day. Also DCI is next Saturday! It is this next weekend right after the first 3 days of band camp. It should be a great time for those of us who are going. Those who are not, there is always next year. WE ARE MAKING T-SHIRTS for the entire brass line and will be available for purchase once they are designed. We will collect money before we order so that we don't have to pay extraordinary amounts of money out of our pockets. I will keep you updated though (expect a price between $10-20).

That is about all I can remember for you guys right now. If I remember something I will put it up. Keep checking the blog around once or twice a week to look for any updates on any of the blogs! Don't want to miss anything.

Have a great rest of the summer!


Monday, July 4, 2011